gold boot



pindarerubens reddevilyellows

The Victorian Cichlid Society is getting together a collection of cichlid pictures to be used in Cichlid Profiles on its Website.

Pictures of many different cichlids are required. They do not need to be photographic masterpieces, just in-focus, identifiable and representative of the species. If you would like to contribute to this project, please e-mail your images to Please only send original images for which you are the copyright owner.

Copyright of the images remains with the photographer, but they may be cropped and/or have blemishes removed.

The actual format of the Profiles is still a work-in-progress, but will include 1-3 full-body pictures and essential information about the fishes' maintenance and behaviour.

Please use the full name of the fish (Genus + Species + Variety/Locality + [Male/Female/Young etc]) as the filename for each image - this will save considerable time and avoid potential errors.

Goto the Message Board discussion for more.


Keep in mind that the VCS Website also has a Gallery for displaying your better-quality photographic works.

Placing your favourite fish/tank pictures in the Gallery is much better than simply uploading them to forums. Not only are they displayed in a proper viewing environment with fewer distractions, they are semi-permanent and do not just fade away as threads get older/longer.

E-mail original images for the VCS Gallery to




Last Updated on Friday, November 11, 2022 11:46

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