
This crossword was created by Daryl Hutchins with EclipseCrossword - www.eclipsecrossword.com

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  1. Small cichlid (5).
  2. Nanostomus beckfordi (10).
  3. Temperature controller (6).
  4. Doryrhamphus dactyliophorus (8).
  5. Mystery .... (5).
  6. Whitespot (3).
  7. Top fin (6).
  8. Rooseveltiella nattereri (7).
  9. Protein remover (7).
  10. Cyathopharynx furcifer (10).
  11. An Asian Cichlid (8).
  12. Coarse substrate (6).
  13. Small animals and plants that encrust hard substrates (8).
  14. "After, among, distal to, beyond, behind (prefix) (4)."
  15. African Rift Lake (6).
  16. Triangle Cichlid (4).
  17. Green ...... (6).
  18. Aequidens portalegrensis (4).
  19. Home for small Tanganyikan (4).
  20. The other bottom fin (4).
  21. Tool for capturing fish (3).
  22. Rhodeus sericeus amerus (10).
  23. Astronotus ocellatus (5).
  24. Low Ph (4).
  25. Aerating device (4).
  26. "Half, partly (prefix) (4)."
  27. Myleus rubripinnis rubripinnis (4).
  28. Betta splendens (7).
  29. "Dolphin Cichlid (9,6)."
  30. Hardness (2).
  31. Water cleaner (6).
  32. Unicellular marine or freshwater colonial alga (6).
  33. Fish type; or where birds sit (5).
  34. Composed of spines (7).
  35. A southern constellation (6).
  36. "Chiefly aquatic, eukaryotic, photosynthetic organisms (4)."
  37. Cichlasoma salvini (8).
  38. Carbonate hardness (2).
  39. Undesirable cross between two species (6).
  40. Crenicichla lepidota (4).
  41. Cichlid group north of the border (5).
  42. Pseudosphromenus cupanus (9).
  43. Xiphophorus maculatus (5).
  44. High pH (8).
  45. Parambassis ranga (9).
  46. The eggs of fishes (5).
  47. Tilapia buttikoferi (6).


  1. Ecsenius australianus (6).
  2. Median ..(3).
  3. Poecilia reticulata (5).
  4. Parachromis dovii (4).
  5. Aequidens itanyi - ...... Cichlid (7).
  6. "Outside, beyond (prefix) (5)."
  7. "Current, flowing (prefix) (4)."
  8. Loricaria parva (8).
  9. Cichlasoma biocellatum (7).
  10. "Fish with circular, suctorial mouth with horny teeth (7)."
  11. Home of Jurassic Cichlids (10).
  12. Logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen ion concentration (2).
  13. Guppies and Swortails are ………… (11).
  14. Long fish (3).
  15. Tail fin (6).
  16. Lake Victorian Haplochomines (4).
  17. Fish food (5).
  18. Brineshrimp’s free-swimming first stage (7).
  19. Steatocranus casuarius (8).
  20. River (Spanish) (3).
  21. Hypostomus plecostomus (5).
  22. … fisherman (3333).
  23. Antennarius coccineus (10).
  24. Theraps maculicauda (9).
  25. Brachydanio rerio (5).
  26. Simple living aquatic organisms (5).
  27. Parapetenia managuense (6).
  28. Dorsal (3).
  29. Toxotes jaculator (10).
  30. Carassius auratus (8).
  31. Pelvicachromis pulcher (9).
  32. … Devil (3).
  33. Without oxygen (9).
  34. Paracheirodon axelrodi (8).
  35. Western cichlid group (3).
  36. "Small, shrimp-like crustaceans (5)."
  37. Rasbora heteromorpha (9).
  38. "Middle, intermediate (prefix) (4)."
  39. A fin that cichlids don't have (7).
  40. North American Cichlid (5).
  41. Archocentrus nigrofasciatus (7).
  42. "Hard, thin, overlapping structures (6)."
  43. Light fish (4).
  44. Container for fish (4).
  45. American Cichlid Group (3).
  46. Pelvicachromis pulcher (4).
  47. Northern cichlid group (3).
  48. Maccullochella peelii (3).

This crossword puzzle was created by Daryl Hutchins with EclipseCrossword. Try it today—it's free!